Why should I become a member and register?

Signing up with Membership Toolkit is not the same as joining the PTO.


Membership Toolkit is the service that empowers us to make purchases, complete paperwork, and coordinate our volunteer efforts —all online. The goal is to save time, and work together more smoothly!


Once registered, you can:

  • Join our PTO 
  • Sign-up to receive important communications
  • Complete your directory information
  • Volunteer
  • See what's going on in the PTO world
  • Access the online directory and app (for PTO members only)
  • Access to content website pages just for our families and members



Join us!


Membership Dues

Pay for PTO membership $60 per student ($75 per family if more than 1 student) $10 Staff, and donate generously via VENMO WMS-PTO-1, cash or check" FAO Kim Damiano WMS PTO Treasurer: 100 Old Stirling Road,Warren
It's all about the kids.  This is your PTO - we are here to enrich the kids Middle School experience.